EUROSTAG simulator

    It is a software based solution for modeling & simulation of Power System Dynamics. Eurostag Software has been jointly developed by Tractabel Engineering, Belgium and RTE France. EUROSTAG is a software application for dynamically simulating the operation of power networks. It covers the whole range of electrical phenomena, from transient stability to slow dynamics, and both balanced and unbalanced phenomena. It was developed jointly by RTE and Tractebel.

    EUROSTAG is specially designed to solve conventional problems such as calculating critical clearing times, power oscillations, automatic load-shedding plans and tuning local primary controllers. It also addresses a number of very complex topics: voltage collapse and black-out scenarios, loss of synchronism and restoration procedures, and new technologies such as HVDC, FACTS, alternative energies, etc.

    EUROSTAG is based on a powerful algorithm that guarantees accurate results and minimizes calculation times, whilst maintaining complete modeling at all stages of the calculation process. It is able to model all the various factors needed to depict your system accurately: generators, motors, load models, protective relays, etc. and also has an extensive library of standard models for control systems (speed, voltage) and other components (turbines, FACTS, HVDC, etc.). Any type of model can therefore be created using the "graphic pre-processor".

  • Eurostag